We are glad to announce the sixth edition of the Complexity72h workshop, which will take place in Madrid, Spain, in 23-27 June 2025. Complexity72h is an interdisciplinary workshop for young researchers in complex systems. Participants form teams and carry out projects in a three days’ time, i.e. 72 hours. The goal of each team is to upload on the arXiv (or similar repositories) a report of their work by the end of the event. Previous editions  were a success: 26 out of 26 projects have become arXiv preprints and new collaborations have been born.  We are now back for the 2025 edition, which will take place in Madrid at Carlos III University of Madrid on June 23-27.

Read the workshop manifesto on Communications Physics.


Founders and Directors


Alberto is an associate professor at Carlos III University of Madrid. His research focus is on game theory, experimental economics, and complex systems.


Eugenio is a tenured researcher at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). He is part of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IPLESP), attached to INSERM and the Faculty of Health of Sorbonne Université, in Paris, France. Eugenio is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a background in theoretical physics.

Scientific Program Officer


Alessandro is currently Assistant Professor at the University of Padova in Italy. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Brescia, followed by a Postdoc at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, on topics related to complex systems, social networks, the formation of echo chambers on social media.


Iacopo Iacopini is an Associate Professor in the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University London. His research interests are in the area of complex networks and computational social sciences, with a focus on behavioural contagion, discovery processes, group and team dynamics.

Admissions and Communications Officers


Boxuan graduated from China Agricultural University with a BSc in animal science in 2021. Then, he enrolled in the master of public health of the École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique (EHESP), Paris, France and graduated in summer 2023. He started his PhD in epidemiology and public health at Sorbonne Université in October 2023.


Sara is currently pursuing her Ph.D. at Carlos III University in Madrid, where her research focuses on evolutionary game theory and opinion dynamics. She holds a double MSc degree in Physics of Complex Systems from Politecnico di Torino and Sorbonne Université. Following her studies, she was a junior researcher at ISI Foundation in Torino, working on data analysis and social science.

Local Operations Officer


Natalia is a PhD student at Carlos III University in Madrid and a member of the Cross-Disciplinary Complex Systems Group (GISC). She has a background in mathematics, and her research focuses on the dynamics of biological systems, particularly on tumor growth and the morphology of cancerous tissue.

Media and Outreach Officers


Rashid is second year PhD student at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His research mainly focuses on evolutionary games. He also works as machine learning engineer.


Ariel is Theoretical Physics MSci Graduate from Imperial College London with a diverse range of experience, currently doing a PhD in Mathematics.

Partners and Sponsors Officer


Miguel is a Ph.D. candidate at Carlos III University in Madrid, and member of the Cross-Disciplinary Complex Systems Group (GISC). His research focuses on the assessment of the structure and dynamics of personal relationship networks. He develops data-informed mathematical models trying to gain insight into the defining characteristics of our fundamental social structure, as well as to unveil the underlying mechanisms that contribute to its formation and temporal evolution.